Reflections of the Heart: Lent, Mardi Gras & Other reflections

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Lent, Mardi Gras & Other reflections

I'm a bit behind in my writing this winter.  I've been having a rough winter with sickness and such, so I am caring for myself, which is difficult not to feel guilty about.  But, we need to be kind to ourselves so we can love on others.

Here are few posts from the past couple of years regarding Lent, Mardi Gras and a few other reflections in those regards to help get you ready for the upcoming season leading into my heart's favorite holiday.

2017 Posts:
Lent Has Begun , What's Different This Year
1 Week Into Lent, Has Anything Changed?
Lent, We are halfway there..... Have I seen growth yet?
Lent, Good Friday & Easter! How is your Heart doing?

2018 Posts:
Mardi Gras(Fat Tuesday), Shrove Tuesday & Carnival
Ash Wednesday, Lent & Valentine's Day
Lenten Season Pondering - 2018 #40acts40 Acts Wrap Up 2018

I look forward to writing about Lent & 40acts again this year.

I encourage you to join me in this and see how things go for you.

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