Reflections of the Heart: 1 Week Into Lent, Has Anything Changed?

Thursday, March 9, 2017

1 Week Into Lent, Has Anything Changed?

I would like to say that signing up for the 40acts(My Blog about Lent and this organization) has helped during this Lent season, but so far it doesn't seem to be bearing any fruit.

John 15:1-3

The Vine and the Branches

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.

So does this mean that my heart needs pruning, probably.

Unfortunately, my silly personality is such that I am a procrastinator and someone who fights with every part of my brain not to be pushed outside my comfort zone. It's not to say that the emails coming my way are that hard or even that they haven't changed my thinking patterns a little, because I do have to say that I have prayed a little more when reading them, and thought about things I could do to change, but alas so far this week it's been a struggle. 

This is what my blog is about, honesty and my struggle with daily life to glorify Him-God!
Not me, God.  Say it again and again......  We live in a culture that talks about "It's all about me" how do we move outside of this egocentric circle? How do we not see things from other people's perspectives anymore? I don't have the answers, I'm just pondering. 

1 step at a time, 1 day at a time.  Change the things we can and allow God to change those things we can't possibly.

In Matthew 19, Jesus talks about how people can be saved. Verse 26 says:  Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

So, although I might think that I haven't changed that much this week, who knows what God sees.  I will strive to do better this coming week.  What I have noticed is that for a small amount of time each day I focus more of things in the world through God's eyes than I do on my own self.

1. What's holding you back?
1a. What do you have to give?: time, skills, resources

2. Keep something helpful on you and be willing to give it away
2a. Make a kit for someone you know or don't know, and give it to them.

3. Research Local clubs or organizations around you
3a. Can you support one of them financially?

4. Identify the screen that takes up most of your time. Is it TV? Games on your tablet/console? Sifting through your newsfeed on social media? Total how much screen time you spend. Review it, and make a conscious decision to cut down.
4a. Swap the time for real time with family and/or friends
4b. Make an effort to continue to do this once a week

5. Think about those people who are in prison, here is a website for an organization in the UK but there are various ones around the US as well.
5a. Connect with an organization like Prison Fellowship and get involved in their Angel Tree program
5b. Or you could stretch yourself and commit to writing a prisoner on a regular basis.

“I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was ill and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”

Matthew 25:36 

6. Remove any distractions while speaking with someone
6a. Didn't listen well recently when someone was talking with you? Remedy that, go back and talk with them again without distraction
6b. Make this a habit.  

I know as a mom and a woman I am really good at multi-tasking. Or am I , when it comes to listening? I know I get the gist of what they are saying but if I'm not engaged face to face with them, or something else is taking my attention away then I might miss facial expressions or body language that could deepen those connections.

"To answer before listening – that is folly and shame." Proverbs 18:13

That was week 1.  I am currently still reading through the last couple and will post again sometime soon.

Are any of these things tugging at your heart strings today or recently?

Maybe you are trying to remove yourself from electronic distractions, well you can download their last year's pdf here, it's different than this year's but it'll still challenge you:

It's not too late to sign up for the emails at

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