Reflections of the Heart: Lent Has Begun , What's Different This Year

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Lent Has Begun , What's Different This Year

In researching Lent last month I stumbled, more liked God led me to, upon this website called

It's a movement to do acts of generosity during lent in order to be more like Jesus. Yes traditionally Lent you give up something to come along side Jesus when he was 40 days in the desert and that's fine too if it works for you, but it never has driven me closer, that's just not who I am. So, here goes something new.

Sign up online and they send you an email everyday with a stop light challenge, green - yellow- red, something that might bring you out of your comfort zone, but to be more intentional.
They have downloads for kids and church groups as well. I'll write more through the month of my journey, but for now I encourage you to at least look into it and possibly sign up.

Do Lent differently this year, or for the first time. Share with me how it's going. Love like it's a verb.

Matthew 10:8b Freely you have received; freely give.

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