Reflections of the Heart: A Local Non Profit-Options for Women in Dover, NH

Saturday, February 25, 2017

A Local Non Profit-Options for Women in Dover, NH

I want to highlight this specific local non profit this month. They are Pro-Life and Pro-Family in all they right ways.

Their Mission Statement:
Options is a Christ-centered ministry; our purpose is to glorify God through saving lives and providing life-affirming services to individuals and families in the community.

I remember when I first started going to our church DEC.  This was one of the things our church supported. They were doing a baby bottle drive.  Which meant that anyone who wanted to was encouraged to take an empty baby bottle and collect change, cash or checks to fill that bottle and bring it back within a few weeks. It's a great way to show support for an amazing local charity. At the time they were saving money for an ultrasound machine. Seeing a baby on an ultrasound makes it "real". I remember when I saw that little blob on the screen for each of my kids, things got a whole lot real after that. I won't throw a bunch of stats at you on this one, because we all know half of a third of an eighth of all stats on the internet are made up, right?  Or something like that. Hehe Needless to say, people have seen this make a difference in pregnancy and the decisions that come following it.

Options not only cares for expectant moms now.  They have grown so much in the last 14 years since I've been introduced to them.

They have Parenting Classes and a special class called FIT, Fathers in Training.
They have Counseling services.
They have Post-Abortion Recovery services called Beauty for Ashes
They have Perinatal Hospice Support
They have STD testing and Counseling,

They have a great online giving on their website.  You can give via credit/debit or echeck. You can donate not only money but other things like vehicles, assets, technology, gift cards and other misc things.  You can give monthly, weekly, quarterly and annually.  Or you can give a one time donation.

They have 3-4 fundraisers every year.  This March 31st they are having something called Keyboard Kapers, Where you pay to get in to see some local area young artists play music and all the proceeds from the tickets go to Options(Go to their website for more information).  Keep them bookmarked or ask to sign up for their updates so you can see what is going on with them throughout the year.

My husband and I have been supporting them for quite awhile now. Will you join us monthly or even with a one time donation?

Before I formed you in the womb
      I knew you
Before you were born
      I set you apart
               Jeremiah 1:5

Here's a picture of my little ones while they were in my belly.

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