Reflections of the Heart: Mardi Gras(Fat Tuesday), Shrove Tuesday & Carnival

Friday, February 9, 2018

Mardi Gras(Fat Tuesday), Shrove Tuesday & Carnival

Easter is early this year, the start of the Lenten season is actually on Valentine's Day this year. 

I am guessing you've heard of Mardi Gras before?  How about Carnival or Shrove Tuesday?  

Here is a link that talks about the history of Mardi Gras and Carnival.  
Here is a link that shares information on Shrove Tuesday.  This was new information to me this year. 

I am planning a new Valentine's Day post this year(we'll see if I get to it-😄) but in the meantime, Here is my Valentine's day post from 2017.

It's funny how we handle the Lenten season and have for such a long time.  Pagan rituals aside, as a Christian it seems weird to me to gorge yourself right before giving up something for Lent.  Seems kind of counter productive.  But at the same time, I can see why we do it, as humans.  We feel like this last ditch effort to fill the need might satisfy us over the next 40 days.  Although the bible doesn't say it, I don't think it was in Jesus' character to eat as much as possible before he fasted in the desert. His point was to grow closer to the Father and to ready himself for his ministry ahead.

Join me this year in trying to draw closer to Jesus through his teachings. Sign up for 40acts and follow this:

John 15:12
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

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