Reflections of the Heart: Groundhog Day! Is Winter's End in Sight?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Groundhog Day! Is Winter's End in Sight?

In the middle of winter we are all looking for some more sunshine I think. I know I am. So it's no surprise that for thousands of years there have been some kind of celebration in the midst of the gloom and lack of sunlight to help us look forward to Spring.

I don't do winter well. It seems this year more than most I have had one cold after another with no end in sight.  But with February, although in previous years this and March tends to hit us with a lot of snow in the Northeast, come thoughts of spring and more sunshine.

Ever wonder where Groundhog day comes from, check it out here. 

What ever you get into, just remember as of today Feb 1st, we have 48 days left until the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.  

But what is more important to me during time of the year is that Lent is coming, which means Easter is upon us. A time that as a Christian has so much meaning to me. It stirs emotions of gratitude and humbleness. It brings tears to my eyes, but in an "awe"some way.

It allows me to grab hold of something and look forward to eternity. That no matter what each day brings here on earth, there will be a day where we will see Jesus face to face.  It brings hope into a world that can feel very dark and without sunshine for so many reasons.

Until then, as Christians, we are called to spread the Good News and to live a life that glorifies Him.  This is a time of reflection and change, true repentance. Turning the other direction and making good on those heart changes.  

I've been listening to Francis Chan talking about and reading the book of James lately, slowly and achingly.  It is a love-hate relationship for me, as I know that I am convicted but true change is hard.

So look for my upcoming posts I'll be sharing on Lent. Check out my previously post links below to check out last years walk.

Lent 2017Lent 2017-1 week inLent 2017-Halfway throughLent 2017-Sum Up

Until next time I encourage you to read Romans 5 about Peace & Hope here.

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