Reflections of the Heart: February 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Lenten Season Pondering - 2018 #40acts

It's been a week into this 2018 Lenten season. Some of the 40acts I haven't been able to complete, but I've taken what they've said to heart and morphed them into something I can accomplish that has the same concept behind them.

What I realized is that focusing on others and not myself has helped lift my spirits more. It has helped me pray and think about how God wants me to act with others and where I can make changes.

The thing I was thinking about this morning is this, yes this is bringing me closer to God every day, However.... how is this going to stick afterward AND WHY am I not like this all the time?

It's strange, I know the answer is selfishness.  Last week in my bible study group we talked about finding verses in the bible for things that we struggle with on a daily basis. You see, for me, most of my struggles boil down to selfishness and these are the bible verses I discovered: Philippians 2:3-4

It's good to take care of yourself and your needs.  But when your desires get in the way of what God has asked us to do, then it's there that strife is created in our daily lives.

When my kids ask for my help and I'm in the middle of something that may or may not be necessary, do I stop and help them or do I get irritated that I am being interrupted and my time is precious?

When my husband is struggling with something, do I take the time to listen and really help where it might be needed?

If family members are struggling, do I take the time to do what needs to be done or reach out and ask if they need anything?

Do I foster my relationships with others in my faith, building community outside of Sunday or Bible study?

Jesus talks here about whatever we didn't do for the least of these we didn't do for Him.

If you have a little extra time read through Matthew 6 here. These passages, especially the ones about storing up treasures in heaven, hit me hard about 8 years ago after I read the book, The Treasure Principle. If you haven't read it I would suggest it as a short book that can change the way you see giving and materialism.

Today I am saying a prayer that God will change my heart even more toward the "least of these".

And to help me Fix my eyes on Him!

Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Friday, February 16, 2018

Movie Review: Priceless

Join the Priceless Movement to prevent human trafficking and child exploitation here.

I wrote a little about human trafficking back in my blog here over Labor Day.

I stumbled upon this movie yesterday. I love movies but they can be very all consuming for me. I talk more about movies as Entertainment here in a previous post. So, this year in an effort to be more intentional about the things I watch and glorify God through them, I asked for a subscription to Pureflix for 3 months for Christmas.  I received it from my in-laws and I am currently going through some movies and shows.  Yes, some of them are movies that would be rated as B movies, however, the content in really great.  It gets you thinking and moving in the right direction.  Anyway, I watched a movie called Like a Country Song and it was pretty good. I wondered about the actor in there, Joel Smallbone, and looked him up. (My husband told me after reading this post that Joel and his brother are lead singers in For King and Country) That is where I saw the movie Priceless.  I remember hearing about it coming to theaters quite some time ago. I watched the preview and then started watching it on Amazon Prime.

Wow, it was a very powerful plot. A man torn and in the end does the right thing-based on true stories that created a movement.

I highly recommend watching it and then seeing where and how you can get involved if you are moved to do so. The Priceless Movement website above gives information for supporting, for those in need of receiving help and also for your local organizations.

I started 40acts for Lent this year. This is my 2nd year doing it, but this is the first year I've really gotten into doing a lot of the actions themselves.  Will you consider joining me? It's not too late.  They are all over social media, I have been sharing them on Twitter and Facebook everyday.  You can sign up and receive a daily email. It gets you thinking and sometimes moving in the direction that God wants for us. This year's 40acts is based on the teachings from the book of James. I have been (before knowing that they were using this as inspiration) and still am reading through it.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

1 John 4:7–8 NIV

Love is Action by Tauren Wells

Priceless by For King and Country

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ash Wednesday, Lent & Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is upon us.  Here is a link that talks about the history of Valentine's Day.

Yes, last year I shared here about Valentine's Day and what I thought of the holiday.  This year I thought instead of griping about it I would give you a few links to get some last minute ideas for your spouse, significant other, family, friends or kids.

For Married couples: 

Sheila Gregoire's website contains quite a few awesome Valentine's posts. In the search box type in Valentine and you'll get her last few years of posts that are full of links and ideas.

J. Parker's website contains some great posts as well, in the search box type in Valentine and you'll get some even more ideas.  *However, note that her site will contain even more graphic posts about marital intimacy than Sheila's does, so go into it with your heart open.

A Biblical Marriage has this great post about 10 free or cheap gifts.

For All Couples and singles as well:

Gary Chapman's  Five Love Languages is a great place to start.  Figure out the Love Language of those special to you, including yourself.  Most of the time the way we show our love tends to be one of our strongest love languages.

For Everyone:

There are so many ideas out there. Try looking through Pinterest and just googling images. However, make sure that you put the word Christian in front, otherwise you might get some things popping up you don't want to see. 

Teach your kids about the Love of Jesus. There are so many passages in the Bible that talk about Love. Go to or whatever bible resource you use and search for the word Love. Read through some of them and take refuge in them, but then move forward and show that love to others around you.  Bible Verses About Love.

As a lot of the world celebrates Valentine's Day, I will be looking forward to the start of Lent as Ash Wednesday is on Valentine's Day this year(2018). 

Lent & Ash Wednesday

Here is a link that has a little about Ash Wednesday.

Here is a link that talks about Lent.

Are you a person who gives something up for Lent? Do you even take part in it?  

When I was younger I was brought up in a Catholic church for a short while and I remember those around me talking about Lent and giving up something for Lent.  As I changed faiths through the years and finally settled at an Evangelical Baptist church I never thought much of Lent until a couple of years ago. 

Then last year I found 40acts.  I don't know how I stumbled upon it.  I think I googled how to worship differently leading up to Easter and found it.  Last year it opened my eyes to the kind of person I am and MORE importantly, the kind of person that God wants me to be.

Will you join me this year?  Sign up as a single, as a small group, as a family or as a church.  I guarantee you, it will change your outlook on life.  It might not change you right away and it might take some time to get outside your comfort zone-I know I still struggle with it.  That is why I am signing up again this year.  I want to stretch myself to Love others as Jesus loved us.   Generously, wholeheartedly: "Change starts with me."

"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." ~ 1 John 4:7



Friday, February 9, 2018

Mardi Gras(Fat Tuesday), Shrove Tuesday & Carnival

Easter is early this year, the start of the Lenten season is actually on Valentine's Day this year. 

I am guessing you've heard of Mardi Gras before?  How about Carnival or Shrove Tuesday?  

Here is a link that talks about the history of Mardi Gras and Carnival.  
Here is a link that shares information on Shrove Tuesday.  This was new information to me this year. 

I am planning a new Valentine's Day post this year(we'll see if I get to it-😄) but in the meantime, Here is my Valentine's day post from 2017.

It's funny how we handle the Lenten season and have for such a long time.  Pagan rituals aside, as a Christian it seems weird to me to gorge yourself right before giving up something for Lent.  Seems kind of counter productive.  But at the same time, I can see why we do it, as humans.  We feel like this last ditch effort to fill the need might satisfy us over the next 40 days.  Although the bible doesn't say it, I don't think it was in Jesus' character to eat as much as possible before he fasted in the desert. His point was to grow closer to the Father and to ready himself for his ministry ahead.

Join me this year in trying to draw closer to Jesus through his teachings. Sign up for 40acts and follow this:

John 15:12
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Groundhog Day! Is Winter's End in Sight?

In the middle of winter we are all looking for some more sunshine I think. I know I am. So it's no surprise that for thousands of years there have been some kind of celebration in the midst of the gloom and lack of sunlight to help us look forward to Spring.

I don't do winter well. It seems this year more than most I have had one cold after another with no end in sight.  But with February, although in previous years this and March tends to hit us with a lot of snow in the Northeast, come thoughts of spring and more sunshine.

Ever wonder where Groundhog day comes from, check it out here. 

What ever you get into, just remember as of today Feb 1st, we have 48 days left until the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.  

But what is more important to me during time of the year is that Lent is coming, which means Easter is upon us. A time that as a Christian has so much meaning to me. It stirs emotions of gratitude and humbleness. It brings tears to my eyes, but in an "awe"some way.

It allows me to grab hold of something and look forward to eternity. That no matter what each day brings here on earth, there will be a day where we will see Jesus face to face.  It brings hope into a world that can feel very dark and without sunshine for so many reasons.

Until then, as Christians, we are called to spread the Good News and to live a life that glorifies Him.  This is a time of reflection and change, true repentance. Turning the other direction and making good on those heart changes.  

I've been listening to Francis Chan talking about and reading the book of James lately, slowly and achingly.  It is a love-hate relationship for me, as I know that I am convicted but true change is hard.

So look for my upcoming posts I'll be sharing on Lent. Check out my previously post links below to check out last years walk.

Lent 2017Lent 2017-1 week inLent 2017-Halfway throughLent 2017-Sum Up

Until next time I encourage you to read Romans 5 about Peace & Hope here.