Reflections of the Heart: How to Pray for Muslims During Ramadan

Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Pray for Muslims During Ramadan

This is something that has brought to my attention greatly lately. It has been weighing on my heart.  Last week I shared about Voice of the Martyrs(VOM).  This week and over the next month I am going to focus on how Christians can pray for Muslims.  

You might be struggling with this, fearful of those emotions bubbling up inside.  I was you once upon a time. I had hate in my heart, mostly due to ignorance. So here is my attempt to help you understand so those feelings bubbling up can be set at peace.  The peace of Christ.

Let's start with this:  Here's a straight forward article about  Ramadan 2017 and why Muslims fast.  

Here is a cool comparison from a Christian website that I use to reference a lot. What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?

Now that you have this info, what now?

Check out this video 30 Days of Prayer

Here are some websites to help you pray:

Called to Pray  : You can sign up for daily prayer emails that shares a story of one young man and his family and how they are affected by Ramadan

30 Days of Prayer : You can pay a small fee to download a prayer guide. In some parts of the world you can get the booklets.

Pray for the Arabian Peninsula : You can download a free pdf that shows you countries and their specific need for prayer.

Pray for ISIS :  Yes, I just wrote that.  Did you know that Paul, the author of many of the books of the bible, persecuted Christians for their beliefs before he converted to Christianity?  God can do a miracle with people you would never think to pray for.

It only takes 1 voice, You!

God hears ours prayers.  He might never answer them in the time we would like but he always answers them.  Often times he will do so in a form we don't like right now, but when hind sight hits it is a serious 2 x 4 to the forehead.

Come along side me and so many others during this time.  It only takes a few minutes a day.

Follow me on Facebook where I will be sharing the Called to Pray emails.

Share with me your feelings and thoughts through your journey.

My heart aches for those who don't know Jesus or deny him.  

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