Reflections of the Heart: Thankful for Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Pray

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Thankful for Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Pray

Yesterday's post I put a link in to Voice of the Martyrs.  There are so many places today where you can't openly follow Jesus , to do so is to suffer persecution or even death.

I have a VOM calendar pinned to the wall next to me and I'll be the first to admit that I am not an on fire for prayer kind of person most days.  I have it there as a reminder to do just that, pray and most days I still don't.  I want that to change, so here goes putting it into practice today.  It's not that hard, it doesn't take a long time, but yet my selfishness gets in the way.  Do you see a theme here?

Anyway, today's prayer is for Myanmar, where a front line worker asks "Pray that I would be the man of God that He desires."  Oh such a prayer as this is so simple and I should be asking that daily for myself as well.  Knowing God's will can be complicated sometimes, other times it's written out for us in the Bible as clear as day.

Will you pray with me today for Myanmar and this front line worker, we may never know who he is , but God knows him and His heart?

....  Who else needs prayer around you?  Family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, people you see walking down the street next to you, people driving in front of you... there are endless people to pray for, pick one today and go from there.  Don't forget to pray for yourself as well.  Don't know how to pray, God lays out the foundation for it in The Lord's Prayer.  I never really liked reciting the Lord's Prayer because it felt very impersonal to me, that being said, knowing it allows to me to understand HOW God would like to see us pray.  Need more info on this, check it out here.

Who can you pray for right now, and for what?

1 Thessalonians 1:2
We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.

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