Reflections of the Heart: Let's Talk Entertainment-Specifically Books

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Let's Talk Entertainment-Specifically Books

Along with my other posts on Entertainment, we can't leave out Books!  Some of you crazy readers are probably saying "What can be wrong with books?"  Well I can tell you first hand a few things that I have struggled with or am currently struggling with.  

They can be Disruptive

1. Those of us book worms know what happens when we pick up a good book. We can't put it down. We read until the wee hours of the morning, until our eyes are so heavy that they won't stay open and then what comes in the morning is not a pretty sight.  It makes us exhausted to go to work and be productive, or do our duties around the house, or pay attention to our kids. It's disruptive.

Content, Content, Content

2. Content, content, content.  Pretty much a theme in my entertainment posts as you can see.  Content is a big deal, even in books and for some of us especially in books.  It can be just as effective or even more with some people.  For me books have always taken me places.  It was a book that showed me my need for Jesus when I was 10 years old.  It has been books that have shaped my views on things. It has been books that have helped me empathize and learn about people and cultures.  

But content can be damaging too.  There are less reviews these days on books (that are helpful) than movies and TV, but there are some. Plugged In through Focus on the Family is a great resource for all kinds of media, including books. Common Sense Media has some book reviews as well.  What I like about these sites is that they have a section where it explains how to talk with your kids about the things in the book.  Plugged in has a section called Discussion Topics and Common Sense Media's section is called Talk to your Kids about...

Let's face it, if you're a parent you might not know what your kids are reading in school these days.  Most likely your kid isn't going to talk about it unless you are actively asking, and then sometimes you only get bits of information out of them.  My husband and I made a pact awhile back that if the kids were reading something in school one of us should be reading it as well so we can thoroughly discuss it with them.  For some people this might be very difficult and so this is where informative book reviews come in handy.

2A.  Romance Novels.  I just want to share a little bit with you from one of my favorite Christian bloggers/authors about Romance novels.

You can read Sheila Wray Gregoire's post here on romance novels and how they can affect your marriage and your view of it.  Her post also has links to other posts regarding porn and erotica that are an interesting read.


3. Has reading a book or a series of them affected your spiritual walk?  Would you prefer to read your book instead of the bible?  I know I feel that way more than I should.  When we put forms of entertainment before our time with God it is making it a form of idolatry.

So what is my point?

As with all my other entertainment posts we must be aware of what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears and take into our hearts.  We must put God first.  We must pick up our cross daily and re-evaluate what we are doing with our lives and where we are going.  

Something to think about... There is only 1 book that you might not be in enough, His Word.  The Bible.  If you find getting into The Word hard there are several resources you can use to get you started.  

  • Most bibles have reading plans in them, either in the front or back.


  • You can do a bible devotional that uses scripture to get you into the word.  

  • Those of you who aren't big into paper books, check out the The You Version App or web based here.  

I also encourage you to find a local church and be part of the body. The bible teaches us that we are to seek community with other believers.  Can't find one that fits?  Ask yourself why?  Really see that what's important to God is the same as what's important to you.  This is a tough one for a lot of people.

A lot of churches have bible studies and/or Men's and Women's groups.  Join one.

You will find my other posts on Entertainment here on my blog under the entertainment tab.  

Romans 8:5 
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Fix Our Eyes on Him!

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