Reflections of the Heart: Followup 2 How to Pray for ISIS

Monday, June 26, 2017

Followup 2 How to Pray for ISIS

So for the past couple of weeks I've been sharing Frontier's emails on How to Pray for ISIS on my Facebook page  You can still sign up here at anytime if you want to get the emails.

These emails don't affect me the same way the other Frontier's emails did.  I think it's because of the way that it is less about a specific person's life and how they are affected but more about the story of Paul and his journey showing the relevant parallel with him and people that are part of ISIS.  If God can change Paul's heart he can change anyone in the world, including members of ISIS.

But, they do have a link to more of a person specific journey at the bottom of each day that you can learn about a specific person and that does help connect for me.

I have learned a few things about the culture and ISIS that I didn't know before.  Like I've said in my previous posts, I used to have anger for ISIS, but now I just feel pity for those who don't understand what they are missing.

It has helped me focus on prayer for others in ways I would never think to pray.

It has also helped me see my struggles in a new light.  If I am struggling with something and I read the next email I notice things in my life I need to pray about so I can get right with God.

Summer time is hard for me.  Mostly because it is such a disruption of schedule for me, and I know that is something I need to work on.  I am stuck at the house with my kiddos dealing with conflict more during the day than I would like.  It shows me how selfish I am as an individual and that I allow these things to steal my joy, when I know that my Joy should be through Jesus and his saving grace.  I need to look more to eternal matters and not let earthly ones get me down.  It's a struggle day to day, sometimes hour to hour, but I need to rely on God to get me through.

Where do you find your Joy?

This article on the Joy of the Lord is an interesting read.

This article on How can we experience Joy in our Christian life is a really good short read as well.

So I'll leave you with this, are you filled with Joy?  If not, pray, center yourself on the Lord and ask for Joy. We all experience things in our lives that we let steal our Joy, let's all ask Him to help us focus on eternity and not our earthly struggles.

Nehemiah 8:10
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

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