Reflections of the Heart: Mother's Day Wrap Up

Friday, May 12, 2017

Mother's Day Wrap Up

So I tried a little something different this week to lead up to my weekly post.  I am on Facebook now!  Follow me so you can see my series posts like this in the future.  

So to wrap this all up together here are my ideas from this week regarding Mother's Day.
I'd love to hear what you do for your Mom and what your kids do for you, if you have them.  Comment on my post and let me know, or on Facebook.

I wanted to add 1 more thing to my post. Check out the end of my post!


This week I am focusing on Mother's Day since it's coming up this Sunday. If you are a Mom I hope this will help you out, I know it did when I read it a few years ago. For those you aren't a Mom but you have one, take a look at what it has to say it will make a difference I think. Hope you enjoy.


Mother's Day is several days away, let's talk gifts. Do you know what you are going to give your Mother for Mother's Day? It can be hard to not fall back on the old favorites; chocolate, gift cards, flowers... And I'm not saying those aren't great, there have been a lot of Mother's Day I've enjoyed giving and getting those. But how about this year look at something different. If you've already bought yours, why not think about this for next year. Do you know your Mom's Love Language? Do you even know your own? Check out Gary Chapman's website and take the quiz, have your kids take the quiz, have your spouse or significant other, have your parents. Pass it along. The 5 Love Languages

It's free and it shows you how you can best be loved and love others the way they would like you to. 

There also some really cool pinterest resources you could print out for gift coupons here: 5 Love Languages Gift Coupons  Check them out. 

Knowing this information has changed the way that my husband and I love each other and I hope that when the kids are older it can help with that as well. Now, Go Fill your love tank or at least find out how!


Mother's Day is now only 4 days away. I know some of you might be grumbling about the day in which you should honor your mother but just don't feel like it. Maybe you have a rough relationship with her, maybe you are just going through a rough patch with her.

Focus on the Family has a really good Forgiveness and Restoration series of articles. A lot of them are going to deal with marriage, but the same concepts of forgiveness work with all people in your life. Forgiving is not forgetting. Take a look right now and try to free yourself of the burden of holding onto grudges and feeling the way you do. We can't change others, but we have control over ourselves.

Matthew 6:14-15
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.


Since Mother's Day is only 3 days away I wanted to include something about adoption, which I believe is one of the most beautiful types of love a parent can show. How cool is it that someone can love like God and have others adopted into their family. I wanted to put this out there, it might be a touchy subject for some, but I wanted to point out there are some people who go through this and not just on Mother's Day. I encourage those of you who have said any of these things to rethink how you say things from now on, no matter your meaning. I ask those of you who have gone through this to forgive, most people aren't doing this out of spite or to be hurtful, they are trying to be sympathetic and it comes out wrong.


Let's not forget about those woman around us who are a 2nd Mom to us, a great example of a woman to us. Perhaps you know someone who's children aren't around them, either by distance or death. How about those woman who don't have children but have left their legacy by touching your heart in some way.  Celebrate them on Mother's Day as well.
How about the young Mom you know that is stressed out and their children are so young they can't really appreciate her yet, maybe gently remind her husband or the man in her life.  Perhaps if she's single you can do something special for her yourself. 

Interested in some reading on how to set a good example, check out the Proverbs 31 Woman, this isn't there to make you feel bad about how far you are from this example, it's something to work toward and learn from that can grow us closer to God while we strive for it each day or in my case, in each scenario.  

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